Morrill hall in summer with trees and flowers in bloom

Vice President for Communications Search

The University has launched a national search for a vice president for communications. This position will oversee systemwide strategic communications, public and media relations, marketing and brand management, and social media.

For additional information about the position, please see the complete position profile. Confidential inquiries, nominations, and application materials should be directed to Isaacson, Miller

Search Committee

Lisa Lewis, President & CEO, University of Minnesota Alumni Association, co-chair 

Melisa Lopez Franzen, Executive Director for Government & Community Relations, co-chair 

Kit Breshears, Communications Director, Bakken Center for Spirituality & Healing, PACC chair-elect

Elisia Cohen, Director, Hubbard School of Journalism & Mass Communication

Steve Henneberry, Executive Director of Strategic Initiatives and Special Projects, Carlson School of Management

Amina Jafar, Chief Operating Officer, Twin Cities PBS (TPT) 

Cameron Krueger, Undergraduate student, College of Liberal Arts, Twin Cities campus 

Laura Johnson, Senior Director of Account Services, University Relations

Perry Leo, Professor, Aerospace Engineering, FCC vice chair-elect 

Amy Leslie, Director of Communications, Office of Academic Clinical Affairs

Melinda Pettigrew, Dean, School of Public Health

Alex Piazza, Executive Director of Presidential Communications, Office of the President 

Paul Rovnak, Senior Associate Athletics Director, Gopher Athletics

Sarah Youngerman, Vice President for Marketing, University of Minnesota Foundation 

Lynne Williams, Chief Marketing and Public Relations Officer, UMD and UMM